"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." ~James 1:27

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Second Update from Uganda!

Hello! I am happy to report I purchased a new wireless modem internet device today where I can have internet anywhere. I'm still adjusting to the new technology here and trying to figure out how its all set up. I wanted to post a prayer request. This Friday in Uganda is Election Day. They are voting on a new president. There should be no problems, however, please pray for the safety of the nation. Friday is declared a public holiday so we return to work on Monday and leave early today, Thursday. The Lord has been so gracious to me and has placed such a joy in my spirit. Although sometimes the enemy tries to plant seed thoughts of discouragement, I counteract them in the Spirit with the truth of His Word. I know He has called me here and I'm standing on the truths that:

1. He will meet all my needs according to His riches in glory

2. He will equip me to do His will (in all things)

3. My confidence is in Him

At times its difficult for me to sit back, observe, and study the way things are done here because I'm such the type of person who is driven, motivated, and hardworking that I desire to jump in and serve with all my heart. So at times I feel like I'm not doing much of anything yet, however, I know it will take time and that I'm to be patient and not set high expectations of myself to learn everything instantly. Please pray with me in regard to that!

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